If a club event requires that reservations be made, and fees are required
for those
reservations - individual member families are solely responsible for
their own reservation fees, as
well as the reservation fees of any guests they may invite to the event.
Once a commitment to a 'reservations
required' event is made, fees are due. Reservations fees may only be
returned when the event location, at
their own discretion, returns those fees. The club shall not be responsible
for returning fees for reservations
made, but not able to be kept. Reservation fees shall be paid in a
timely manner in order to insure that the
reservations may be made in time to be applicable for the event. Member
families not able to make their
own reservations in conjunction with the event's timetable are responsible
to contact the event location
individually to make their own 'late' reservations.
Good Will:
Any person attending a club event - whether a member or not - shall attempt
- at all times-
to conduct themselves as 'ambassadors' of the club, keeping in mind
that non-members, not knowing
whether an individual is a club member or not, will perceive them to
be members, and judge the conduct
of the group by any individual in attendance at a club event. It is
conducive to the good will of the club
that each of us remind ourselves that our own conduct reflects on the
whole of the club's image to others..
Additions or amendments to these policies may be made by motion, second
and a simple
majority vote of the active membership present at any club business
meeting where a quorum is present..