This article is placed here as informative action
for prospective and active membership.
Although NO claim is made as to it's validity
in any other jurisdictional locations -
it is also placed here as a guideline for others
that may be interested in writing
such a document for the purposes of establishing
a similar club.
Fox Valley Tents & Wheels (FVT&W)
Family Camping Club
a Chapter of Family Camping and RV'ers (FCRV)
Constitution and By-Laws
As voted for ratification by it's active membership - 9/19/98
Article I - Name
Section 1 The Name of this
organization shall be Fox Valley Tents & Wheels (FVT&W) -
Family Camping Club - a Chapter of Family Camping and
RV'ers Inc. (FCRV)
Article II - Chapter Colors and Symbols
Section 1 The chapter colors shall
a - teal background with white and black lettering on
banner and/or flag.
b - teal vest with large chapter symbol displayed on
c - Chapter shirt, teal, (blouse, t-shirt, sweat shirt,
Section 2 The chapter symbol shall incorporate
the combined camping conveyances this club was
founded to serve - Family Tent and Pop-up Camping. The symbol
shall be on a teal background
with white and/or black lettering and drawing. The symbol shall contain
1) the club name 2) a
representation of the State of Illinois 3) the logo of FCRV and appropriate
artwork as approved
by the membership. This symbol shall only be for display by chapter
members in good standing.
Article III - Purpose and Objectives
Section 1 The purpose of this chapter
shall be
a - To assist in the preservation and
conservation of the beauties of nature in the State of Illinois.
b - To promote improvement in camping
and hiking facilities wherever the need exist; To bring
forth these recommendations before the proper state, national, or private
organizations; To press
for action until improvements have been made.
c - To co-operate with the Illinois State
Association (ISA) of FCRV and all other organizations
which are working toward the conservation of our (or neighboring) state's
natural resources
d - To promote 'whole family' involvement
in planned chapter activities
Section 2 The objectives of this chapter are
a - To provide, through identification with the
FCRV, a basis of friendly welcome to other
FCRV members and other persons of like interests with our membership.
b - To set up an means for families to enjoy group
camping, hiking, and other related activities.
c - To plan group campouts, week-end trips, hikes,
etc. for the enjoyment of membership.
d - To promote travel/ camping/ outdoor/ and recreation
safety through example and instruction.
e - To support anti-litter, conservation and other
campaigns of benefit to the environment.
f - To promote the values of scholarship, leadership
and fellowship to member childeren.
Article IV - Membership
Section 1 The chapter was formed as
part of Family Campers & RV'ers (FCRV), a nonprofit, voluntary,
national organization of family campers and recreational vehicle users/owners.
Section 2 Any person or family living
in the general area of the Fox River Valley of Illinois, who is a
qualified member of FCRV, is eligible for membership in Fox Valley
Tents & Wheels -
Family Camping Club - a Chapter of FCRV, subject to the following conditions
and restrictions:
a - Persons and families desiring membership
in this chapter must demonstrate an active interest
by attending a minimum of three (3) chapter functions prior to applying
for membership
b - Applications for membership may be
accepted at any formally established business meetings
or club functions. All applications for membership must be accepted
by a two thirds (2/3) vote of
the membership present , provided a quorum is present for the
vote. If a quorum is not present,
an application for membership may be voted upon by mail - a two thirds
(2/3) approval of all
active members must then be obtained before membership is approved.
Applications may be
tabled to await a quorum vote, if desired, at the discretion of the
Board of Directors.
c - Membership shall be for a maximum period
of one year, subject to annual renewal at the
beginning of the club's fiscal year. Membership fees may be pro-rated
if the Board of Directors is
directed to do so by a simple majority vote of the active membership.
Members are automatically
eligible for renewal of membership, providing they have attended a
minimum of five (5) official
chapter functions during the previous fiscal year, and are in good
standing with any club-related
fees or dues.
d - Total membership in the chapter shall
be focused toward, but not limited to, a maximum of
sixty (60) tent camping or pop-up camping families. Membership priority
shall be granted on a 'first-come -first-served'
e - No member shall be deemed ineligible
for renewal of membership until the Board of
Directors has confirmed ineligibility. The Board of Directors may,
by a two thirds (2/3) majority
vote, approve and provide for exceptions to paragraphs 'c' or 'd' of
this section.
Section 3 The Board of Directors
of FVT&W may, without the consent of the active membership, confer
'Life Membership' to any member(s) that has performed outstanding
services to the chapter.
Section 4 A 'Life Member' shall be considered
an active member of FVT&W with the full rights and
privileges thereof. The chapter shall assume all chapter dues of said
Article V - Dues
Section 1 The annual dues of this chapter
shall be as recommended by the Board of Directors, and accepted
by the active membership through simple majority vote, to meet current
Section 2 The dues of this chapter shall include
membership fees of Illinois State Association (ISA)
Article VI - Voting Privileges
Section 1 Each family membership is
entitled to one vote on all chapter business upon presentation of it's
Section 2 A family membership shall be defined
as follows:
An individual who is self-supporting; a husband and wife; a widow or
widower or any single
individual who is head of household; and all unmarried children living
in the same household.
Article VII - Officers And Their Duties
Section 1 The officers of this chapter shall
be :
a - a president
b - a vice president
c - a recording secretary
d - a corresponding secretary
( offices c and d
may be combined to be filled by a single individual )
e - a treasurer
Section 2 Duties of offices
a - The president shall preside at
all meetings of the chapter and of the Board of
Directors; shall be an ex-officio member of all committees except the
committee; shall appoint all committees; shall perform all other duties
pertaining to the
office; and shall co-ordinate the work of the officers and committees
in order that the
objectives and purpose of this chapter may be promoted.
b - The vice president shall serve as an
aid to the president; shall perform the duties of
the president is their absence; and shall perform other such duties
as may be delegated to
them by the president and/or the Board of Directors.
c - The recording secretary shall keep
an accurate record, in a permanent form, of all
meetings of the chapter and the Board of Directors.
d - The corresponding secretary shall conduct
all correspondence concerning the
chapter; and shall perform such duties as may be delegated by the president
Board of Directors; shall keep an official file of the names, addresses
and phone
numbers of the active members of the chapter; and shall inform the
membership of the
time and place of all chapter functions.
e - The treasurer shall have custody of
all chapter funds, securities, and assets; shall be
responsible for keeping a full and accurate account of all receipts
and disbursements in
the books belonging to the chapter; shall maintain the chapter's books
in accordance the
directives of the membership; may pay current operating expenses as
directed by the
Board of Directors; must obtain approval of the membership for any
expense disbursements; shall issue receipts for all cash received and
shall keep on file a
copy of all said receipts, also any bank transaction receipts, canceled
checks or invoices
as might be written or received; shall have all the powers of the office.
The treasurer's
books shall be closed at the end of the fiscal year, and the books annual
report, canceled checks and all other documents on file be submitted
to an auditing
committee of three (3) which has been appointed by the president. The
committee shall prepare a report to be submitted to the membership
at the annual
Article VIII - Nomination and Election of Officers
Section 1 The president shall, no later
than the first business meeting in May each year, appoint a
nominating committee of three (3) members and designate one of them
as it's chairman. The
committee shall consist of one (1) member of the Board of Directors
and two (2) members from
the general membership. This committee shall prepare a slate of nominees
for the elected offices
(listed on Article VII - Section 1 of these By-Laws) and shall present
this slate at the June meeting.
Section 2 The election of officers shall take
place at the July meeting, at which additional nominations may
be accepted from the floor with the consent of the nominee. Newly elected
officers will take
responsibility for their respective offices at the conclusion of the
July Meeting.
Section 3 All officers shall be elected by a plurality
vote for a term of one year, or until their successors are
elected and qualified, Each officer shall be eligible to succeed themselves
in their respective
office for one additional term only. No person shall be elected who
is an elected officer of another
FCRV chapter.
Section 4 All officers shall be elected on a secret
ballot, except that in the case where only one nominee for
an office is presented, the vote may then be by acclamation.
Section 5 In the event of a vacancy in the offices
of vice-president, recording secretary, corresponding
secretary, or treasurer the president shall appoint , for the reminder
of the term, a successor, to be
approved by a two thirds (2/3) vote of the Board of Directors.
Article IX - Board of Directors
Section 1 The board of Directors shall
be the governing body of the chapter and shall perform such
functions and duties as may be ordered by the chapter, or which, in
the opinion of the Board of
Directors, are for the best interest of the chapter in accordance with
it's objectives.
Section 2 The Board of Directors shall consist
of the elected officers and the immediate past president. All
shall hold office for one year. Any vacancy on the Board of Directors
shall be filled by
appointment of the president's choosing from the membership and approval
of a two thirds (2/3)
of the Board of Directors. Offices may be added to the Board of Directors
as deemed necessary by
the Board of Directors upon approval of a simple majority of any quorumed
business meeting.
Section 3 The Board of Directors shall hold
such meetings as it deems necessary, and the president, or any
two (2) Board Members may , at any time, call a meeting of the Board
of Directors.
Section 4 A quorum of the Board of Directors
shall be a simple majority of Board Members installed.
Article X - Committees
Section 1 Committees shall be convened and
appointed, by the president or the Board of Directors, as the
need arises, in accordance with the objectives of the chapter and/or
through the direction of the
Section 2 Committees shall be conferred with the
powers and tools to complete the mission of that
particular committee, as it's mission was stated at it's inception.
Article XI - Meetings
Section 1 Monthly meetings shall, as
possible, be held from April through October; the day, time and
place to be fixed by the Board of Directors. Additional meetings may
be held if so decided by the
Board of Directors or on request from the president or membership.
Section 2 The annual meeting shall be the
July meeting, at which time the officers and directors shall be
Section 3 An attendance shall be recorded
at each business meeting of the chapter and the record
maintained by the recording secretary.
Section 4 Special meetings may be called
by the president or any three (3) members of the Board of
Directors upon notification to all the members of the chapter.
Section 5 A quorum of the chapter shall consist
of fifteen percent (15%) of the eligible membership and a
quorum of the Board of Directors
Section 6 Robert's Rules of Order shall guide
all the meetings of the chapter where not otherwise covered
Article XII - Chapter Affiliations
Section 1 The president shall appoint
an ISA delegate and two (2) alternates as chapter representatives for
ISA business as regards this chapter.
Section 2 This chapter may affiliate with
other organizations working toward the same goals, and not
conflicting with the aims of FCRV.
Article XIII - Chapter Representation
Section 1 No person may take any action
in the name of Fox Valley Tents & Wheels - Family Camping
Club - a Chapter of FCRV without prior approval by this chapter's Board
of Directors
Article XIV - Order of Business
Section 1 The regular order of business
at business meetings shall be as follows:
1) Call to order and the Pledge
2) Reading and acceptance of the minutes of the
previous meeting
3) Treasurer's Report
4) Reading of Correspondence
5) Attendance and Introductions of new members
and guests
6) Unfinished Business
7) New Business
8) Committee Reports
9) Election and installation of officers (annual
meeting only)
10) Adjournment
11) Program (optional)
Article XV - Fiscal Year
Section 1 The chapter's fiscal year
shall begin August 1st each year and end on the following July 31st.
Article XVI - Termination of Chapter
Section 1 Should the activities of the
chapter terminate, any chapter property and funds shall be liquidated
and the resulting funds, after payment of outstanding obligations,
dispersed as per following:
a - Property of the chapter to be liquidated
shall be offered for sale to chapter members
before being offered for sale to the general public.
b - 75% of all funds, after debts, shall
be given to FCRV's State or National education
programs, such as Conservation, Scholarship and/or Safety.
c - 25% of all funds, after debts, shall
be given to local charitable groups/organizations.
d - The choice of programs or groups
to receive the chapter's assets shall be decided by
the majority of members in good standing with the chapter at time of
(percentages may be changed to membership's desire at time of chapter
termination, but
direction of disbursement must be maintained as stated in Article XVI
- Section 1 -
paragraphs b & c of this Constitution and By-Law )
Article XVII - Amendments
Section 1 This Constitution and By-Law
may be amended by a majority vote of the membership present
at any regular meeting of the chapter, provided a quorum is present,
and provided the intention to
amend shall have been previously communicated in writing to the membership
at least 15 days in
advance of the vote.
This Constitution and By-Laws were presented to membership for
and approved at a regular business meeting on September 19th,
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